Carbohydrate-Oligonucleotide Conjugation

Carbohydrate-Oligonucleotide Conjugation

At BOC Sciences, we pride ourselves on our expertise in oligonucleotide conjugation technology and our commitment to providing high quality products and services to our customers. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the development and optimization of carbohydrate oligonucleotide conjugates, ensuring that our customers receive high-quality conjugates that meet their specific needs. Our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment allow us to provide customized solutions for our customers' specific needs. We are committed to supporting our customers throughout the entire carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugation process, from synthesis to characterization and purification.

What is Carbohydrate-Oligonucleotide Conjugation?

Carbohydrate-oligonucleotide concatenation (COC) is a biological concatenation strategy that involves attaching carbohydrate molecules to oligonucleotides (short chains of nucleic acids). Carbohydrates are attractive molecules for this purpose because they can specifically bind cell surface receptors, which can facilitate the internalization of the affixed oligonucleotide. On the other hand, oligonucleotides can be used to modulate gene expression, making them promising candidates for therapeutic interventions. COC technology has the potential to improve the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of oligonucleotides and their specificity and selectivity.

Structure of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugatesFig.1 Structure of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates. (Yan et al., 2007)

In recent years, carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates are becoming more and more important, especially in the uptake and cell utilization of siRNA and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. For example, GalNAc-siRNA conjugates, in which GalNAc (N-acetylgalactosamine) can bind to the desialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) in hepatocytes to achieve targeted delivery of oligonucleotides.

Carbohydrate-Oligonucleotide Conjugation Services

At BOC Sciences, we provide carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugation services, which includes synthesis of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugation and its characterization and purification.

Preparation of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates

The COC services offered by BOC Sciences include the synthesis of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates using an efficient and specific COC method based on oxime bond formation. The method involves reacting an oxamino sugar with an oligonucleotide containing an aldehyde portion at the 5'-end. The reaction can be carried out under mild aqueous conditions and produces high quality conjugates without the need for protection strategies.

Purification of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates

We also offer a range of analytical and purification services to ensure the purity and quality of COC products. Our analytical services include HPLC, LC-MS and NMR, which can be used to characterize the purity and identity of COC products. Our purification services include reversed-phase HPLC, ion exchange chromatography and size exclusion chromatography for purifying COC products to high purity.

Benefits of Carbohydrate-Oligonucleotide Conjugation


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  1. Yan H, et al. Preparation of carbohydrate-oligonucleotide conjugates using the squarate spacer[J]. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 2007, 17(23): 6535-6538.
* Please kindly note that our services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).
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